Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Collaboration Definition : Deciphering the Real Meaning

The new Remote culture has given the collaboration definition an entirely new dimension. Even though the collaboration tools such as intranet and Microsoft Teams are not new, but their value has hugely gone up. Let us discuss about collaboration as a whole and explore the different aspects of it.


What is Collaboration?

The collaboration was lately not something that sustained in an organization’s priority list. Usually, collaboration definition was vaguely imposed on anything that connected employees. Businesses referred to just the convenient modes of communication to be collaboration tools be it phone calls, messages, chats, or mere document sharing. These are not collaboration tools authentically. Therefore, as collaboration is closely linked with productivity, using sub-standard means of collaboration can bring long-term disadvantages to organizational success.

Apart from this, even if an organization is equipped with a great collaboration tool like SharePoint Intranet or Microsoft Teams,  its employees might still be facing collaboration problems. This takes us to the conclusion that no tool is self-sufficient to drive a great collaboration unless it is accompanied by a great employee engagement approach.


The Simplest Collaboration Definition

In response to mediocre collaboration, we wished to chalk out a collaboration definition that could deliver the simplest real perspective and the productivity it aims for: People working together towards a common goal.

Working Parts of Collaboration Process

Collaboration simply constitutes of three parts:

  1. A Team
  2. A Process
  3. A Purpose

This means different people working together towards a common goal. The collaboration tools and technologies come to the picture after that just with the purpose of aiding these major processes.

SharePoint intranet software is definitely an enhancement to collaboration skills in order to increase cooperation.

Importance of Collaborations

Instead of being the jack of all trades and master of none, it is better to hire and maintain the masters of all those trades. For example, consider a work item as simple as creating the content marketing strategy. It requires inputs from multiple teams, sets of reviews and multiple steps of approval. The collaboration will bring in all these contributing resources together to achieve this business goal as swiftly as possible.

Types of Business Collaboration Methods

Organizations deploy different collaboration software internally to power-up collaboration. While a SharePoint intranet offers tools of collaboration, it’s important to remember that these tools are only as perfect as they are used.

Collaboration can be grouped as :

Instant messaging and chat

These tools are best for real-time collaboration. These can let you chat, conduct screen share meetings and much more that induces the huge benefits of instant response time. Commenting too might be of great use for simplifying the feedback process as well as editing a document by multiple users simultaneously. Skype for Business, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are the perfect collaboration tools in this regard.

Document Collaboration

While message-based collaboration is focused on the team conversations, document collaboration focuses on deliverables. Once a department does its part on a particular document, it can be forwarded to the next department and then finally to the reviewing team, thus utilizing the same document to bridge the gap between different processes. Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, and other such platforms are your document collaboration destinations.


Ideation and idea management plays a major role in a company’s growth. It fosters a sense of belongingness and authority among the employees while encouraging new ideas to surface. It can give a boost to knowledge sharing that will ultimately be effective in bringing in productivity.

Overall Benefits of Collaboration

  • When done right, collaboration speeds up your business processes.
  • When people, resources, and processes work together, business efficiency increases.
  • Collaboration increases transparency.
  • Employees get a sense of importance to boost their satisfaction level.
  • Great collaboration will make the remote workers and freelancers feel a part of the organization.

Many people do correlate collaboration with SharePoint Intranet or Microsoft Teams but a piece of digital workplace solution will not do any wonders unless employee engagement is focused upon enough.

A well-connected workplace brings in happier work culture and motivated employees who are exponentially useful in increasing organizational productivity and efficiency. When everything within the organization functions so systematically, you can just focus on your customers.


Explore Saketa SharePoint Intranet

Enjoy the Best Employee Engagement Experience






Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Top Metrics to Measure SharePoint Data Migration Success

Any client looking to plan for a SharePoint Data Migration is often accompanied by questions such as

·         How fast can the content be migrated?

·         Would it be safe?

·         Would the migration downtime bring me a loss?

·         What if it fails?

While these are important questions that must be addressed before choosing your SharePoint Data Migration tool, a better approach might be to just explore how efficient the migration process be planned and executed. Let us delve into some factors that will define how efficient your migration process can be and the parameters to determine its success.

SharePoint Data Migration Efficiency Indicators

While the migration quantity might be quite important, choosing the correct migration time and speed plays a major role in SharePoint migration success determination.  These data can be of great help to plan and optimize the whole migration process in the most effective way possible.

While we at Saketa have run many test migrations to ensure the perfect results to our clients and have been improving each Version of our SharePoint Migration Tool to fit in every kind of emerging scenarios, applied uniformity cannot be established in every migration project. In such a condition, we cannot prototype the migration performance across different environments. This leads to a Success determination strategy based on important migration parameters instead:

Migration Speed

Be it any kind of migration, from our years of migration experience, we know several common factors that affect the data migration project speed:

  • Basic Content to be migrated.
  • Content Attributes such as metadata, permissions, etc.
  • Hardware requirements
  • Throttling Restrictions
  • Migration tool architecture

Migration Process Efficiency

Migration process efficiency and job uptime have a significant impact on the migration duration. Every organization wants to make sure that migration is running at full capacity with high accuracy. Migration job failure rate too must be minimized as much as possible. Here are the major factors that need to be taken care of during a Microsoft 365 migration.

SharePoint Architecture and Capacity

Every process needs appropriate infrastructural support to be productive. Your chosen migration tool must have the right infrastructural features to maximize your migration success. It should allow a great user experience accompanied by the least throttling effect.

This will ensure minimum error rate, minimized downtime, and eventually, greater productivity.

Reduction in Downtime Loss

Once your migration architecture is satisfactory, you can proceed towards mitigating the downtime loss. Incremental migration or migration scheduling can work wonders to save precious business time and plan migration downtime when the traffic is low.

This will enable the technical team to focus on set up and troubleshooting whenever they feel it to be convenient.

Failure Rate

Migration Errors might be considered a major setback if not handled properly. Higher failure rates and timeouts lead to the need to re-run jobs. This can be a major money-burning experience. While some errors might be unavoidable, but a proper premigration and postmigration check can be of great help.

SharePoint Data Migration

Therefore, it’s important to ensure a good error reduction and risk mitigation plan in place. An efficient Failure reporting mechanism too must be in place.


Finally, what we expect from our migration project is to run smoothly. Focusing on the efficiency rather than the mere parameters like time taken can be a great start to improve your migration experience. Just wisely schedule your downtime, avoiding throttling, and managing the errors.

These were our tips for a great migration experience. What are yours? Feel free to share in the comments below!

Saketa SharePoint Migrator

Saketa Migrator makes your SharePoint Migration and Office 365 migration effortless.




Tuesday, February 2, 2021

SharePoint On Premise to SharePoint Online Migration

SharePoint On-Premises to SharePoint Online Migration has become one of the most sought steps to fit into the current shift to remote culture.

As a leading SharePoint Migration Tool, Saketa has dealt with a lot of such SharePoint online migration customer experiences. Therefore, we are very aware of all the measures that need to be taken care of while planning migration to office 365.

So, here are our tips to plan SharePoint migration to office 365 in such a way that it makes your SharePoint On Premise to SharePoint Online Migration the smoothest experience ever!

SharePoint On-Premises to SharePoint Online Migration Planning Tips


SharePoint Online MigrationKeep a track of your Content needs.

The foremost step of any migration plan must be evaluating your content and migration priorities. No plan can be good enough if you have not been able to evaluate your SharePoint content before opting for the migration. You need to know what are the important data that need to be moved first. Additionally, data backup plans too need to be in place to avoid extreme losses in case of migration failures.

You need to create a premigration checklist keeping in mind all your data and further requirements. This will ensure a smooth migration process to follow. Also, be aware of the difference in on-premises and online content structure to avoid any post-migration delay or loss of access to content. Additionally, keep a track of your metadata as well.

Manage Permissions

Migration also includes migrating the permissions in your pre-existing on-premises SharePoint. Therefore, it is advisable to go through the permission settings. Reconsidering the permission settings of your content before the migration to SharePoint Online. And in case you wish the same permissions to be inherited, it is ensured that there is minimal risk, and a good SharePoint governance is followed.

The properly formulated governance plan will prevent improper sharing or access to sensitive content.

Formulate Your SharePoint Online Governance Plan

Post-migration SharePoint migration is very important to ensure that the new SharePoint Online platform is utilized properly. While migrating to SharePoint Online, determining the organizational governance policy in advance will ensure proper utilization of the Microsoft 365 governance tools.

If the content to be migrated and the governance rules are pre-determined, the governance can automatically be applied to those content after being transformed to the destination as well. This ensures proper content governance, risk-management, and information-protection as soon as the content gets stored in the destination platform.

Be Open to Change

Migration has usually been deemed a problem by the customers rather than a solution. But it indeed is an opportunity.

SharePoint On-premises to SharePoint migration is an opportunity to re-evaluate your entire SharePoint platform as well as the technology involved with it. You can evaluate all your content and permissions. Upgrading your old workflows as well as the automation tools. If your organization is open to accept positive changes and is excited to discover new opportunities, adoption to the new SharePoint platform will become exceedingly simple.

Go for a Pilot Test

Directly jumping into migration might not be the best idea altogether. Instead, try going in for a patch test. Make sure your migration is preceded by a pilot or test migration to validate that your migration plan will be successful enough. This can be a major risk-mitigation strategy during the real migration project. Involve the key SharePoint users in the pilot so that their inputs can be utilized properly.

Bottom line: A SharePoint Migration Tool is not a bad idea.

SharePoint Migrations are not that simple. Also, they are not among the tasks that are carried out quite frequently by the organizations. In fact, for some organizations, SharePoint on premise to SharePoint Online migration is just a once in a lifetime experience. This makes it difficult for the IT department to be experienced enough to carry out successful migrations. This is an utter waste of their efforts for figuring out a process that they wouldn’t need for many years to come.

Why not save that time and effort to utilize in some other significant organizational process. This makes it a valid reason to opt for the expertise of a SharePoint migration tool. Let your migrator simplify your migration process while you focus on others.

Saketa SharePoint Migrator

Saketa Migrator makes your SharePoint Migration and Office 365 migration effortless.