Monday, August 23, 2021

SharePoint Migration Guide 2021 Top 5 parameters to evaluate your Execution

 SharePoint Migration Guide 2021

Here are some of the migration parameters that must be taken care of to ensure a perfect SharePoint Migration experience-

1. Migration Speed

From our years of migration experience, we can enlist a number of factors that usually affect the speed in any migration project :

  • Content volume
  • Attributes such as permissions, metadata, etc.
  • Hardware requirements
  • Throttling Restrictions
  • Governance Level

You must evaluate these aspects and choose the migration tool that can eliminate the shortcomings posed by these factors.

2. Migration Process Efficiency

Migration process efficiency and job uptime have a significant impact on the migration duration. Every organization wants to make sure that migration is running at full capacity with high accuracy. Migration job failure rate too must be minimized as much as possible. Here are the major factors that need to be taken care of during a Microsoft 365 migration.

3. Architecture and Capacity

Different SharePoint versions have their own sets of pros and cons that need to be considered minutely. Every process needs appropriate infrastructural support to be productive. Your chosen migration tool must have the right infrastructural features to maximize your migration success. It should allow a great user experience accompanied by the least throttling effect.

This will ensure minimum error rate, minimized downtime, and eventually, greater productivity.

Strategizing a Perfect Sharepoint Migration Plan

4. Downtime Loss Minimization

Once your migration architecture is satisfactory, you can proceed towards mitigating the downtime loss. Incremental migration or migration scheduling can work wonders to save precious business time and plan migration downtime when the traffic is low.

This will enable the technical team to focus on set up and troubleshooting whenever they feel it to be convenient.

5. Reduced Failure Rate

Migration Errors can turn out to be major setbacks if not handled properly. Higher frequency of timeout and failure rates may require re-run for the whole process. This can be a major money-burning experience. While some errors might be unavoidable, a proper premigration and postmigration check can always prove to be of help. Your SharePoint migration guide must contain pointers to overcome such failures tactfully.

Therefore, it’s important to ensure a good error reduction and risk mitigation plan in place. An efficient Failure reporting mechanism too must be in place.


Finally, what we expect from our migration project is to run smoothly. Focusing on the efficiency rather than the mere parameters like time taken can be a great start to improve your migration experience. Just wisely schedule your downtime, avoiding throttling, and managing the errors.

These were our tips to ensure a smooth SharePoint migration experience. Let us know how many of these resonate with the pointers of your organizational SharePoint migration guide!


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tackling the Microsoft Office 365 migration challenges


Whether complete or hybrid migration Office 365 migration can be complex. Need to strategize for the Office 365 migration challenges beforehand.

O365 migration can be complex, thus, we need to plan out our strategy for the Office 365 migration challenges beforehand.


Microsoft Office 365 has emerged as the most important business productivity platform and thus, the handling of Office 365 migration challenges too has become an important business process.

Being a lengthy and complex process, Office 365 migration encounters several problems. Some of these are security, governance and compliance, bandwidth, downtime, archival and backup.

To be well prepared, we must identify the issues that may cause confusion during an Office 365 migration and tackle them.

Office 365 Migration Challenges

Migrating to O365, that is the cloud version of Microsoft from an on-premise environment has many useful and attractive benefits means, overall flexibility to access it anywhere, anytime, collaboration ease, organized data storage and so on.

So, it’s good to analyze and take the necessary steps in the migration planning step itself.

The Migration Decision and Planning

Migrating to Office 365 requires ample planning and a good SharePoint knowledge. Choosing the migration type is very important and depends upon your work culture and available migration downtime.

Always evaluate assets and plan your migration accordingly. Knowing what exactly your inventory consists of can pay off in terms of migration efficiency and minimal time-consumption.

Hybrid Migration Office 365

This type of migration is suitable for partial cloud users. Organizations that migrate only a fraction of their data to the cloud and it is almost of no importance now due to the sudden surge in remote work culture.

The best solution is to use the Active Directory Federation Services to the full extent to enable access to the O365 features and the On-premises features as well as to eradicate complexities whenever required.

Not Enough Bandwidth

If your organization functions 24*7, then you will face this problem. Many organizations have a huge amount of data to be migrated, but the downtime is much less than the requirement. Shorter bandwidth directly implies longer migration time along with added complexities due to incremental migration needs. Scheduling can be a great idea in such cases but, you might still experience delay in the overall working processes of the businesses.

An easy way to optimize this problem is to use third party migration tools that have multiple risk mitigation arrangements that are specifically designed to make the SharePoint data migration process easier. Saketa is one such tools designed to meet your organizational needs, irrespective of workforce size.


People consider security as a major success benchmark. Thus, it is natural to assume security as a major concern during migration. But this is not true when it comes to Office 365. Because Microsoft developed their Cloud version of SharePoint with an impenetrable security system. The Cloud is designed in such a way that, you need to have access to perform any kind of action- be it just view or edit a document. So, let go of your fears and embrace the Cloud and take advantage of its many features without any doubt.

Migrating to the Cloud has its own challenges, but, ultimately, the results are well worth the difficulty. However, you will also choose the much easier option, i.e., opting for a tool built exclusively for SharePoint Migration. One such tool is that the Saketa SharePoint Migrator, which is developed to supply an answer to all, or any issues encountered while migrating and give you the much-needed Office 365 migration issues help.

Check out the Saketa SharePoint Migrator here.



SharePoint Governance Compliance and Risk Management

SharePoint Governance Compliance and Risk Management are the three major aspects of a sustainable SharePoint environment.

SharePoint Governance Compliance and Risk Management are the three major aspects of a sustainable SharePoint environment.


Businesses have always had to formulate record management rules to ensure no risk to their data. But going beyond the legal importance, it is crucial for the organizations to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty, and act with integrity. It does not just apply to information management but covers finance, IT, HR, and the executives as well.

The need for Governance Compliance and Risk Management

With the evolving business landscape, Governance and Risk management should evolve as well. With cybercrime becoming a usual part of the web world, it is important to put extra stress upon implementing every possible governance and security policy on the SharePoint platform.

If your organization runs on SharePoint, SharePoint Governance Center and SharePoint Security Manager are your must-have companions. GRC policy management must be customized according to your organizational needs.

Governance compliance and risk management for Microsoft 365 platform

Inadequate Microsoft 365 management can adversely affect the user experience of the platform, leading to compliance mistakes, governance errors and greater risks of data breaches.

For instance, let’s assume that an employee decides to use a third-party application on the M365 platform that might not be absolutely safe. A huge amount of data loss might occur from such sheer carelessness if not monitored accurately.

For more complicated code customizations, it’s highly advisable that you simply have a process that conforms to your company’s GRC policy management. this could include:

Performing checks on the standard of the code before it’s added to your environment, for function and security
Checking to make sure it runs smoothly in conjunction with other customizations
Checking regularly to ascertain that it still runs after updates are made
If you’re customizing aspects of SharePoint Online, you would like to make sure any updates Microsoft make don’t disturb how your customizations function.

A secure IT environment is that the foundation on which all other secure and well-managed business processes are often built. And excellent business processes make implementing GRC processes and policies much easier and permit your business to run smoothly.

The power of third-party GRC platforms for Microsoft 365
The safest way for governance risk management and compliance in Microsoft 365 is to develop a uniform approach for testing the functionality and security of every code customization, while also following safe and secure processes when deciding which customizations are often introduced. this could be central to your organization’s GRC process.

GRC The Saketa Way

Saketa has been one of the pioneers in the field of SharePoint migration for quite long. Such a good number of experiences with SharePoint users throughout our tenure has earned us various sources to evaluate the real-time industry challenges through our clients.

Therefore, we used all these testimonials to build the best solutions to the governance, security, and compliance problems.

Our SharePoint Governance Center is a complementary module that gives you complete control over the governance of your SharePoint platform.

On the other hand, Saketa Security Manager is a tailor-made tool to implement all these governance and security seamlessly into your organization’s Governance and Risk management, helping your organization create a secure and robust Microsoft 365 environment.

As a result, your organization will have a robust governance andRisk management to sustain your SharePoint platform that flexes with the newest updates, complements your business-wide departments and completes your whole organization’s GRC policy management.

Saketa SharePoint Governance Center

Your Favourite SharePoint Migrator Now Comes with A Dedicated Governance Module.

Make your SharePoint Migration and Office 365 migration effortless while taking care of the Governance part as well.


Monday, March 15, 2021

SharePoint Governance Plan Template

A picture containing text, person, indoor, computer

Description automatically generatedSharePoint governance has always been among the most misunderstood aspects of SharePoint administrations. There exist several SharePoint Governance myths that can make your SharePoint Governance Plan Template work or fail if not cleared out on time. Here we are on a mission to help you bust these SharePoint governance myths for you to enjoy a much better SharePoint experience!

Top 11 Myths Disrupting the Perfect SharePoint Governance Plan Template


Myth #1: Only the Executives and top-level managers should be responsible.

Not necessarily. The people with maximum SharePoint knowledge and experience should be teamed up to create the governance plan. That’s usually the IT department.

Myth #2: Have A Centralized and Advanced SharePoint Governance Plan Template

Not true. The Governance plan needs to depend on the size of your organization rather than any fixed formula. SharePoint environment, your goals and the number of users are defining factors. Depending upon the basic SharePoint needs, following a few simple guidelines will do the job.

Myth #3: Make A One-time Governance plan, no revisions required.

Not true. A SharePoint Governance Plan needs to be ever-evolving according to organizational needs. A Governance plan isn’t meant to be placed on a shelf as a trophy. It should constantly be adapted to the requirements of your users and your evolving SharePoint architecture. It’s knowing to choose a format that permits real-time changes from multiple users, like a wiki page.

Myth #4: SharePoint Governance Plan must convey Do’s and Don’ts to people

Not at all. the aim of the plan is to guide people to use SharePoint so on the benefit the organization. It’s immensely important to possess all of your people to understand that. User adoption and user education are key to successful governance.

Myth #5: Create SharePoint roles that suit the employees.

Do not attempt to adapt your roles to your existing team – that’s not the purpose. Create the roles defining your SharePoint goals. If you currently don’t have enough staff to fill all the roles, it’s okay to leave them empty until you discover the proper people to try to them.

Myth #6: Every Major SharePoint role should be the responsibility of a particular user.

This is not true. everyone within the organization can fill quite one role. If an individual is competent enough to hold out the duties of quite one role, there’s no reason why he or she shouldn’t. Many organizations follow it and it works for them as well.

Myth #7: Industry-defined SharePoint templates are a must.

Searching through the vast cyberspace of the web, you’ll encounter many expert sites offering information architecture templates. But there’s no requirement to blindly follow such advice or to define your architecture a bit like everybody else does. the foremost important piece of recommendation we will offer you is: know your organization’s goals and plans and build your own architecture accordingly.

Myth #8: The architecture, once built, will not change.

Not true. the knowledge architecture, a bit like your SharePoint environment itself, may be a live structure that needs constant adaptation. Moreover, you ought to build your information architecture to be scalable. It should be ready to grow and accept new sorts of content.

Myth #9: The more content types, better engagement

Surprisingly, this is often not true. it is believed that four to 5 options are optimal for users. If you give them too many options, it is going to cause user frustration or maybe errors.

Myth #10: You have got to fit your needs into any one of the SharePoint templates.

SharePoint templates serve only as a framework of how you will build your site if you so choose. But you will also create your own template if predefined templates do not fit your needs. When it involves creating customized templates, knowing your users’ real needs is half the work done. Here’s why site planning is important.

Myth #11: The more SharePoint policies, the better

The reverse is true. The minimum number of policies gives a better outcome. Fewer rules make it easier for users.

These were some of the major SharePoint governance myths. Have more? Let us know in the comments.


Why do SharePoint Governance Best Practices matter?


Why do SharePoint Governance Best Practices matter?

SharePoint Governance Best Practices play a major role in the smooth and efficient functioning of Advanced Collaboration platforms such SharePoint, M365, Microsoft Teams and more. Good governance can add significant value to your organization by extensively integrating this platform to your centralized business goals. A proper governance strategy connects your business and users to this platform to help, support and secure all your content and collaborative communication. It lets you:

  • Drive user adoption
  • Maximize ROI
  • Reduce risk.
  • Improve productivity and business agility.


With expert-curated governance plans and guidelines, a governance strategy helps support and secure the content and users of the SharePoint platform.

For instance, SharePoint is so useful and SharePoint sites can be created and deployed so quickly and easily that organizations end up in a cluttered mess. As a result, users can’t find the content they need, and administrators can’t keep track of sensitive content and protect it properly — the platform fails to meet the organization’s goals due to the governance gap. Having strong governance in place avoids these issues, enabling the business to:

• Drive user adoption — Strong governance helps ensure SharePoint content is easy to create, find and use, so users will embrace the platform rather than try to find ways to work around it.

• Maximize ROI — A governance plan helps you uncover the value of the platform and guide its strategic development, so you get the most from your investment.

 Reduce risk — A governance plan that protects business IP and is aligned with appropriate compliance regulations minimizes potentially devastating risk. For instance, a good governance plan will include provisions for regularly running audits on usage, security, content or permissions.

• Improve productivity and business agility — A well-governed SharePoint platform creates a deep pool of collective intelligence across an organization, arming users with the information and context to move faster and make smarter decisions.


Four secrets to success More broadly, you need to build trust in your SharePoint governance strategy. Following these four principles can help ensure success.


Make the work you do to define policies and procedures a matter of public discourse. One of the more successful governance initiatives I led started with a town hall event, with a Q&A for anyone interested enough to come and raise their hand. Our regular governance body meetings were open-door sessions, with end-users and executives alike joining in when something they had a vested interest in was being discussed.


Keep people informed about your progress. Sometimes updating a SharePoint task list at the end of the day is sufficient; sometimes more frequent communication using other tools is the right choice. Vary this collaboration level depending upon the immediacy of the workload in front of you and the maturity of your governance plan over time.


Don’t roll out a governance plan, document it in a binder, and put that binder on a shelf to gather dust and be forgotten. Project activities, reporting, and communication strategies constantly evolve because of changing business requirements, customer needs, and other factors. Keep upgrading your governance strategy for the better.


This tip was mentioned earlier but it bears repeating: Seek out feedback from your users and pay attention to it. Some people have no problem speaking up, but other people might not be so forthcoming. Look for opportunities to reach out and connect so that you can get a more complete view of what people think. When people are heard, it builds confidence in your strategy.


Developing and maintaining a strong SharePoint governance strategy requires careful planning upfront and continual nurturing and adjustments as you use the platform. The following best practices will help you throughout the process.


In an ideal world, organizations will build a SharePoint governance plan before implementing the platform. If you’re proactively building a governance plan, the first step is to talk with your future users so you can understand their content, workflows and anticipated usage. However, as noted earlier, SharePoint is so useful and easy to deploy that often sites go up first and governance comes later. In that case, the first step is still the same — talk with your users! Find out how they are interacting with SharePoint, including what sites are out there, how much they are used, who has access to them, what types of content are being stored there, and what frustrations users have.


Don’t limit your communications to the SharePoint user group; you also need to keep the larger SharePoint community abreast of what is happening with the platform, including details on the governance strategy, changes to policies, site redesigns or a platform upgrade. Make sure to solicit their feedback using strategies like community sites and polls, along with data such as search metrics — and consider their ideas seriously. Governance should enable them not to prevent them from being productive. Look for ways to ensure user adoption of the platform, such as offering training and support.


Make your policies visible. When people ask questions, point them to a SharePoint site with the answers. Make the site functional and refresh it frequently; it should not be a one-time dumping ground for rarely used process documentation. This should be a working platform from which you manage your process, accept suggestions and make changes as needed.


Outline the functions required to deploy and govern your SharePoint environment at the enterprise, organizational and site levels. Define roles according to skills and interests. Define Owner, Approver, Reviewer, and Participant for each of these tasks. It is simple and clear. Determine which functions should be managed centrally and which are better handled at the site collection and site levels. SharePoint works best when the management of its many functions is distributed to the people who know how the business should be run. Be clear on w clear on what you expect from each role so people can be held accountable.


Microsoft provides plenty of content around optimal settings and system limitations, and that’s a good place to start. But having a personalized strategy involving selected SharePoint Governance Best Practices always help. Just need to remember that you need to constantly refine your strategy based on a solid understanding of your own business requirements. Adapt your policies (content limits, permissions, information rights management policies, and so on) using a consistent and transparent change management process to fit into the organizational priorities.


Create policies and procedures that are consistent across your organization. A given business unit might have different information rights management rules than the rest of the company, but the policies that govern how those rules are managed should be consistent across the organization.


Resist the urge to complete migrations as quickly as possible by simply dumping all data from the source environment into the target. Instead, use your metadata to sort your content by relevance, age, popularity, team, geography and other factors. By reducing the amount of sprawl and improving organization, you will deliver a target environment that’s easier for you to manage and easier for users to navigate, reducing overhead while improving user productivity and driving platform adoption.


Organizational culture plays a major role in governance planning as well as implementation. Define the rules applied to SharePoint management that is valid for everyone in the company with maybe different permission levels. For example, some people might believe that it is better for users to create their own sites on SharePoint while some might consider such vast and unrestricted access to SharePoint to be a major risk factor. There are many other areas in SharePoint related to the use of data, where it is stored, and who has access to that data and all you must do is, follow the basic SharePoint governance best practices and plan judiciously according to your organizational needs.

Saketa SharePoint Governance Center

Your Favourite SharePoint Migrator Now Comes with A Dedicated Governance Module.

Make your SharePoint Migration and Office 365 migration effortless while taking care of the Governance part as well.




Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SharePoint Migration Services - Saketa

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Collaboration Definition : Deciphering the Real Meaning

The new Remote culture has given the collaboration definition an entirely new dimension. Even though the collaboration tools such as intranet and Microsoft Teams are not new, but their value has hugely gone up. Let us discuss about collaboration as a whole and explore the different aspects of it.


What is Collaboration?

The collaboration was lately not something that sustained in an organization’s priority list. Usually, collaboration definition was vaguely imposed on anything that connected employees. Businesses referred to just the convenient modes of communication to be collaboration tools be it phone calls, messages, chats, or mere document sharing. These are not collaboration tools authentically. Therefore, as collaboration is closely linked with productivity, using sub-standard means of collaboration can bring long-term disadvantages to organizational success.

Apart from this, even if an organization is equipped with a great collaboration tool like SharePoint Intranet or Microsoft Teams,  its employees might still be facing collaboration problems. This takes us to the conclusion that no tool is self-sufficient to drive a great collaboration unless it is accompanied by a great employee engagement approach.


The Simplest Collaboration Definition

In response to mediocre collaboration, we wished to chalk out a collaboration definition that could deliver the simplest real perspective and the productivity it aims for: People working together towards a common goal.

Working Parts of Collaboration Process

Collaboration simply constitutes of three parts:

  1. A Team
  2. A Process
  3. A Purpose

This means different people working together towards a common goal. The collaboration tools and technologies come to the picture after that just with the purpose of aiding these major processes.

SharePoint intranet software is definitely an enhancement to collaboration skills in order to increase cooperation.

Importance of Collaborations

Instead of being the jack of all trades and master of none, it is better to hire and maintain the masters of all those trades. For example, consider a work item as simple as creating the content marketing strategy. It requires inputs from multiple teams, sets of reviews and multiple steps of approval. The collaboration will bring in all these contributing resources together to achieve this business goal as swiftly as possible.

Types of Business Collaboration Methods

Organizations deploy different collaboration software internally to power-up collaboration. While a SharePoint intranet offers tools of collaboration, it’s important to remember that these tools are only as perfect as they are used.

Collaboration can be grouped as :

Instant messaging and chat

These tools are best for real-time collaboration. These can let you chat, conduct screen share meetings and much more that induces the huge benefits of instant response time. Commenting too might be of great use for simplifying the feedback process as well as editing a document by multiple users simultaneously. Skype for Business, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are the perfect collaboration tools in this regard.

Document Collaboration

While message-based collaboration is focused on the team conversations, document collaboration focuses on deliverables. Once a department does its part on a particular document, it can be forwarded to the next department and then finally to the reviewing team, thus utilizing the same document to bridge the gap between different processes. Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, and other such platforms are your document collaboration destinations.


Ideation and idea management plays a major role in a company’s growth. It fosters a sense of belongingness and authority among the employees while encouraging new ideas to surface. It can give a boost to knowledge sharing that will ultimately be effective in bringing in productivity.

Overall Benefits of Collaboration

  • When done right, collaboration speeds up your business processes.
  • When people, resources, and processes work together, business efficiency increases.
  • Collaboration increases transparency.
  • Employees get a sense of importance to boost their satisfaction level.
  • Great collaboration will make the remote workers and freelancers feel a part of the organization.

Many people do correlate collaboration with SharePoint Intranet or Microsoft Teams but a piece of digital workplace solution will not do any wonders unless employee engagement is focused upon enough.

A well-connected workplace brings in happier work culture and motivated employees who are exponentially useful in increasing organizational productivity and efficiency. When everything within the organization functions so systematically, you can just focus on your customers.


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Enjoy the Best Employee Engagement Experience