Thursday, December 17, 2020

Perks of a Flexible Work Culture of 2021

Remote work and Flexible Work Culture have become the new norm. 

The shift in work preference has not just occurred due to COVID19. Rather, it is a result of previous Worklife expectations as well. It has just attained an amplified and more justifiable form. The commute has taken a backseat, and everyone is getting used to working from anywhere and anytime. 

This new flexible way of business has brought up a new way of life for the employees. While there have been so much time-saving due to the travel time cuts, home workouts and family time has taken up the centre stage along with professional life. 

Importance of Remote and Flexible Work Culture In the current challenging situation, the ability of the organizations to adjust to the new remote flexible work culture within the quickest time matters. It has an enormous impact on productivity and eventually on the revenue as well. 

A Digital workplace centralizes all the employee collaboration needs on a single platform, thus making work easy while you stay connected from anywhere, at any time. 

By implementing a Digital Workplace for your remote workers, you can align your employees, technology, and business practices all at a place. Customer requirements have also changed and remote work in a way that suits them as well. 

In fact, a significant shift to online and telephone-based transactions has taken place and flexible work hours can complement it perfectly. Therefore, most employees, as well as the organizations, desire to continue flexible work even after the pandemic be over. This in turn compels the companies to plan for long-term remote work. 

Mobilizing the employees to support their remote journey is essential. Perks of a Flexible Work Culture The benefits of flexible working are numerous. Leading organizations across the globe are pondering upon the idea of permanent Work from Home. While this shift can financially aid both the company and the employees, it is also assumed to be super productive as free and happy employees are sure to give only their best. A flexible work culture can yield many advantages such as: Resource-Based Cost Savings Remote work simply implies No or Limited Office space, less electricity consumption, less maintenance work and so on. 

Now that we have already experienced so much remote collaboration and communication, evaluating how much space actually increase it is worth considering. Why not save the money spent on these resources and use them for either new technological investments for the company or simply as incentives or bonuses to the employees? It is sure to result in a particularly good long-term catch to enhance productivity. 

Hiked Productivity Self-Motivation is the key! You perform well when you think that you are your own boss. Remote work or flexibility gives each employee control over how, when and where they wish to work. The absence of prying eyes indulges a sense of responsibility in them. They are ready to deliver much more than usual to the organization that believes in granting them a fair share of autonomy and trust. These motivated employees, along with a trusted work environment, automatically enhance productivity.

Meanwhile, the reduction or lack of commute saves a lot of time, money and energy that can be focused on either the job or on refreshment time, which indirectly will contribute to overall productivity as well. Global Talent recruitment Geographical barriers used to be a significant issue during recruitment. Remote and flexible workhours will let you hire talent from anywhere in the world and the employee can work according to their time zone. 

Thus, even their productivity will also be used to the fullest. A globally distributed workforce will strengthen the company culture and diversify it for good. 

Digital Workplace contributes to a successful and Flexible Work Culture

 • Flexible Work Culture 

• Utilizing a Digital Workplace to Escalate Business Growth One major benefit of remote work is of course its aid in enhancing family bonds.

It doesn’t matter if you are having a meeting while cooking with your spouse or working on a project while spending time with your kids. Remote work has transformed this previously distant dream into an everyday truth. A good Employee Engagement platform is an essential component of flexible and remote working. Technology allows organizations to recruit the right talent, bridge communication gaps, and contribute to the revenue generation process. 

A problem with flexible work can be a feeling of loneliness but collaboration apps such as Teams can make you feel at the office. Saketa Employee Engagement Platform Saketa makes your Digital Transformation Journey effortless for a great Remote work experience. 


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