Thursday, August 20, 2020

Migration to SharePoint Online : SharePoint 2010 & 2013

Migrate to SharePoint Online: SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 

Migration to SharePoint Online or Office365 plays a key role in the transformation and modernization of an organization. This has been proven to be right in recent times as many organizations empowered their teams and workforces with global access to enhance collaboration and boost productivity to tackle the current crisis 

While it is true that the SharePoint server has been a great ally for collaboration and content management for more than a decade, meeting the ever-growing technical needs & demands to multiply business growth, upgrading to a SharePoint Online or Office 365, which has been to designed to modernize and digitally transform your organization and provide ubiquitous connectivity has become inevitable. 

Studies show that about 55% of SharePoint users around the world have already migrated to SharePoint Online and Office 365 and started reaping its numerous benefits.  

However, successful SharePoint Migrations require a detailed strategy and careful implementation- an area in which we excel. Our team of experts, with their immense experience in SharePoint Migrations, studied and developed a fool-proof approach that guarantees and delivers, with zero margins for error.

SharePoint 2010 2013 migration

SharePoint 2010/2013 End of Life  

Microsoft will stop its extended life support for SharePoint 2010 by October 2020 and for SharePoint 2013 by April 2023. This means organizations that are still using the legacy versions of SharePoint should start looking for a solution, immediately. Since, migration to a new platform is certain, migrating SharePoint Online/Office 365 is not only the smart choice but also the right choice. Otherwise, Your organization will be left exposed and vulnerable. Here’s why-  

  • When the extended life support ends, the promise of security becomes void as security updates/patches, bug fixes will no longer be delivered, leaving your entire organization unsafe. 
  • Support for these versions will also end for good- resulting in an exponential increase in server downtime and expenses for the maintenance of outdated software and hardware.  
  • By migrating to SharePoint Online or Office 365, get access to a modern & user-friendly UI as well as some of its best and extremely useful features that helps in increasing collaboration and productivity.  
  • Before migrating, it is highly recommended to thoroughly examine the differences between the older and newer versions and make a detailed list of all the features that have become obsolete and all the features that are given a major upgrade or are just replaced in the latest version. Saketa provides SharePoint feature assessment that helps deliver fruitful migration.  
  • It is also vital to have a Migration Strategy and a SharePoint Governance Plan in place, before beginning migration. We specialize in SharePoint Migrations and our Migrations specialists curated a simple yet advanced approach that guarantees a successful migration.  

Challenges of Migrating to SharePoint Online 

There are many things to consider and overcome while upgrading and SharePoint Migration is no exception. Depending on the sheer amount of data alone, a number of challenges can be encountered. And, when the rest of the considerations are brought into the fold, the possibilities for error-prone/unsuccessful migrations will be amplified. Both these scenarios the time, effort, and expenditure will be wasted and, will result in a reiteration of the entire migration process, increasing time, effort and, expenditure, again. Even after a successful migration, the probability of errors is very high.

Here’s how-  

  • The speed of the migration will be affected if the internal servers are not configured properly/ if the internet speed is not meeting the required bandwidth, resulting in an increase of time for migration.  
  • There will be a substantial loss of data respective to content types/columns, workflows and, web parts at the destination due to the lack of accounting of these factors at the source.  
  • Deprecated templated and unresolved users will cause failed migrations if not paid attention to, at the source itself.  
  • Hidden lists and libraries, preservation of item IDs, external lists and documents without proper versioning will also lead to unsuccessful migrations if not taken care of, right from the beginning.  
  • Saketa SharePoint Migration Services is designed to break these barriers and overcome challenges faced during SharePoint Migrations. Our Migration Strategy, formulated by a team of SharePoint Migration masters will deliver a successful migration, within the anticipated amount of time and will also assist you by providing on-going support 

The SharePoint Migration Approach  

A successful SharePoint Migration requires a thorough examination of resources & items to be migrated to formulate a plan, foresee threats & challenges, and confront them beforehand and, implement the plan to perfection. We have been doing that since a very long time and our years of expertise in handling SharePoint migrations and satisfying our clients by exceeding their requirements allowed us to become leaders in the field of SharePoint Migrations. Our ability to drive successful migrations is only possible because we follow a stringent approach, designed to carry out flawless migrations. 

  • We divide the whole plan into three phases- The Planning Phase, The Execution Phase and The Inspection Phase.  
  • In the Planning Phase, we take a deeper look at your current data and list out all the expected field/areas where there possibility for error before beginning the migration process.  
  • During the Execution Phase, we can go for the 4R strategy
  • In the final phase, i.e., the Inspection Phase, we examine the source and the destination and perform cross-referencing to confirm whether the migration is successful.  



We preserve your data by replicating it and storing it securely. 


We analyze your data and establish a strategy to migrate as well as archive, purge and utilize your data.  


We provide you a smart and easy methodology to reorganize your content in a modern and suave way.  


We upgrade your site structure by redesigning and personalizing it to best suit the requirements of your organization.  

Why Saketa?  

At Saketa, we value the requirements of our clients and consider their requirements with the utmost significance. We work with the best of the best and carried out numerous migrations, which garnered our years of repeat business and a huge client base, who trust us to meet their expectations. Leverage of expertise to transform and modernize your organization.  

Therefore Migration to SharePoint Online is a great idea. Upgrade to SharePoint Online, without any further delay!   

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