Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items is an essential step to validate the completion of a migration process.

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items

When you are doing a bulk SharePoint migration, getting the copy of the entire SharePoint site in one go without losing a single file/list item is uncertain most of the time due to various reasons. Some of the possible reasons for files/items failure include throttling, missing parent folders, blocked file types, missing content types, etc.

Consider, after migration of a SharePoint resource, you are left with 200 files missing each belonging to different source folders that are to be migrated to different target locations. To get them copied to the destination, it’s not feasible to migrate the entire SharePoint resource again. Now there comes the need for migrating only the failed files.

Generally, to migrate only the failed items, you will do the following:

  1. Connect to the source and destination connections.
  2. Drill down the source resource.
  3. Drill down to the folder of the failed items and select the item.
  4. Configure the migration options and then copy them.

For each failed file, you must repeat the steps 3 and 4. the migration report and check for the failed items

If you have 2-3 files missing, repeating the same work is not a problem. But it will be tedious doing it for 200 times in this scenario, even more, if you have more items/files failed in other bulk migrations.

Considering this, Saketa Migrator has developed a new syntax for the Copy-Content cmdlet specifically for the migration of failed items to avoid the repetitive work for the users and thereby saving your time.

With this syntax, you can migrate the items from different source locations to different target locations at one go and can avoid manual drill down to each location and migrating them one by one.

To Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items/files using Saketa Shell:

To re-migrate the failed SharePoint migration items/files of a completed migration, you can use the Copy-SKTContent cmdlet available as part of Saketa SharePoint migration PowerShell cmdlets. as you can follow the below steps.

1.Get the failed items details from a migration exported to excel. To export the failed items, you can do one of the following.

  • Open migration session report of the failed migration and filter only the error items from all the report items and export them to excel.
  • Or else you can run Post Migration , filter the error items and export the report in excel format.

2. Using Saketa shell, Connect to the source connection  and Get a list/library from the source.

3. Connect to the destination connection   and Get a list/library from the destination.

4. Pass the exported excel file path using the parameter ‘ExcelFilePath’ and other required parameters to Copy-SKTContent cmdlet as shown in the below image.

5. Run this script in Saketa PowerShell.

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items script

Sample Script:  Copy the script and modify it to work for your need by editing the parameter values for site URLs, list ids, and excel file path.

$sourceConnection = Connect-SKTSite -Url “” -Username “user” -Password “password”

$destinationConnection = Connect-SKTSite -Url “” -Username “user” -Password “password”

$sourceList = Get-SKTList -ID “583637ad-b40f-4344-a3f8-376937a3a5e5” -Connection $sourceConnection

$destinationList = Get-SKTList -ID “425637ad-b40f-4374-a3f8-376be7a3a5f2″ -Connection


Copy-SKTContent -ExcelFilePath ”D:\ExcelFilePath.xlsx” -SheetName ”AllData” -SourcePathColumn ”SourcePath” -DestinationPathColumn ”destinationpath”  -SourceList $sourceList -SourceConnection $sourceConnection  -DestinationList $destinationList -DestinationConnection $destinationConnection

Migrating the multiple source items at different levels to multiple destination paths using Saketa Shell

By making use of this Copy-SKTContent cmdlet, you can migrate the multiple items at different levels from a resource to multiple destination levels by simply preparing the excel file containing the mappings of source and destination paths for items.

Creating an Excel File for migration:

  1. Create an Excel file.
  2. Add two columns for source and destination paths.
  3. Fill the item’s source path in the ‘Source Path’ column and the desired destination folder path in its respective ‘Destination Path’ column.
  4. Repeat step 3 for all the items/files that need to be migrated.

For example, if you want to migrate the single source file into five different folders of a destination library, prepare the excel file data as shown in the image below.

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items source destination

For example, if you want to migrate items from different folders to the same destination, prepare the excel file data as shown in the image below.

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items mapping

Now, pass the path of this excel file to the ‘ExcelFilePath’ parameter of Copy-SKTContent cmdlet and provide other required parameters And run the script in Saketa PowerShell.

Recommended approach for a successful content(items/files/folders) migration:

  • Run Inventory before you start the migration to avoid blocked file types and URL and name length exceed errors.
  • Run a premigration check before you start the migration to avoid missing folders, missing content types, missing feature activation, etc.
  • Clean dead users and check permissions of users and check unique permissions on items/files using Saketa Security Manager.
  • Run a post-migration check after every migration and remigrate the failed items.

Re-migration of Failed SharePoint Migration Items might not be required every time migration is done but it is a good practice to go for it to ensure added safety to the files.

Saketa SharePoint Migration Tool

Experience a high-speed, hassle-free migration with no data limits.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Slack to Teams migration tool using Saketa migrator

Saketa is Happy to announce the launch of the “Slack to Teams Migration” module as the major highlight of the new version release of Saketa Migrator. The Teams Migration tool of the Saketa Migrator Version 4.0 comes with added capabilities of Slack to Teams migration along with the pre-existing Teams to Teams migration as well as SharePoint to Teams Migration

Slack to Teams migration

Saketa Slack to Teams Migration Tool

Microsoft Teams’ contribution to the modern workplace is widely acclaimed as the one-stop solution for all collaboration woes.

Slack on the other hand has been an industry leader among the collaboration tools for quite a long time and is also credited with being the first of its kind application that connected the organizational components in the most efficient ways possible. Back when emails were the prime mode of peer communication, Slack offered a better company-wide chatroom alternative to the organizations. And within no time did it gain its position as the most popular collaboration tool that replaced emails as the mode of communication and sharing with real-time messaging. It gave way to organized communication by channels for group discussions as well as private messages for sharing confidential information, files, and others on a single platform.

But with time, new alternatives emerge and so is the case with Slack which has a much more advanced and efficient competitor in the form of Microsoft Teams. With its amazing performance and unmatchable features, Microsoft Teams has undeniably become a modern workplace necessity along with Microsoft 365 across various industries. And as a Slack user, if you are looking for a better collaboration experience, it’s time you should seriously consider going for a Slack to Teams migration.

Why Migrate Slack to Teams?

Slack has contributed to the collaborative growth of many organizations over the years and suddenly deciding to walk away from it might seem quite vague and scary. But keeping all these hesitations aside, modernization is one of the key aspects that re-imbibes new ways of innovation and productivity in any organization.

There might be initial hesitations in investing in moving to an entirely new environment but we must put a light upon its two major positive aspects:

  • Cost Saving
  • Secure migration

Most enterprises have a Microsoft Office Suite license, thus making the most popular chat-based collaboration tool, Microsoft Teams available at no extra cost. This makes spending upon a one-time migration much cheaper as compared to the year-long Slack subscription.

Additionally, being closely associated with Office35, Microsoft Teams makes it quite easy to coordinate among different platforms by establishing interconnection with other Microsoft applications that Slack, being a third-party tool. cannot go for.

What’s in Store for Saketa Migrator Version 4.0 users

The new and better Saketa Migrator 4.0 aims at tackling all your Microsoft365 and Microsoft Teams migration worries without any complications. The new update of version 4.0 are –

  • New Feature – Slack to Teams migration
  • New Feature – Content migration option is available within the Teams migration module.
  • New Feature – Supports migrating Teams conversations as HTML pages.
  • New Insights Available in the SharePoint Inventory Module – Insights that deal with workflows, InfoPath forms and custom solutions.
  • File permissions information is available in the File System Inventory report.
  • Functional improvements in Teams to Teams migration.
  • Now Saketa Migrator tool can run in the background by consuming minimal resources to perform tasks.
  • General bug fixes and improvements.

Supported Features of Slack to Teams Migrator

Teams Migration

  • Migrate Workspace as Team
  • Migrate Channel as Team
  • Migrate Admins as owners and members as members

Channel Migration:

  • Channels will be migrated
  • Users in Private channels will be migrated
  • Files migration and its metadata migration
  • Conversations migration
  • Posts will be migrated as site pages

Channel Conversations:

  • Messages and replies are migrated
  • Mentions will be migrated
  • Metadata on messages and replies will be preserved
  • Links will be corrected to point destination team


  • Apps won’t be migrated
  • Emojis & Reactions won’t be migrated

Saketa Migrator Salient Features

Saketa Migration tool is feature-packed to bring in the best migration experience ever. Some of its most notable features are:

  • Turbo Mode: Choose your migration speed as you please. Go for a regular migration speed or utilize your Azure storage account to opt for a super-fast migration.
  • Schedule Migration: Plan your migration hours according to your organization’s downtime to achieve absolute zero business disruption.
  • User and Group Mappings: Automatically map the source groups and users with those at the destination with an added option of manual handling of the unresolved users too in order to conduct smooth migration without any failure due to the missing users at target.
  • Pre & Post Migration Reports: Pre-migration ensures that you get an idea of all the obstacles to the migration process beforehand to be able to be prepared enough and post-migration validates the success of the migration process.
  • Analytics and insights: Keep a track of the entire migration process with a detailed analytical report
  • Team and Channel Copy options: Copy options to rename Teams and channels before migration, change their type and description. Choose to migrate the files, conversations and channels, or not.

Upcoming Teams Migration Capabilities

Our Teams Migration module is constantly under progressive development by our team of experts and we are committed to make it the best migration aid for you. One of the major Teams migration feature that is being worked upon by us is the File System to Teams migration module that it slated to upgrade our Microsoft Teams migrator further.

File System to Teams Migration

A note to our Pre-Existing users

We at Saketa have always believed in nurturing the trust of our customers to the best of our abilities and will continue to do so. And thus, we would love to extend our gratitude to all our esteemed customers with a special offering that you will surely love.

If you are one of the Pre-existing Saketa Migrator users, we are providing the Teams Migrator Module to you without any additional charges.

And for the new customers, feel free to go for the entire Saketa SharePoint Migrator that includes the Teams Migration module as well or simply opt for Saketa Teams Migrator as a separate entity.

If you haven’t tried our Saketa Migration tool yet, you might be missing out on a very convenient and seamless experience.

Try out our Saketa Migrator Free trial and then decide for yourself.

Saketa Microsoft Teams Migrator


Saketa Teams Migrator makes your Teams migration effortless.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

HR Intranet can prove to be a Boon to your HR department

 HR Intranet ~ As the professional world has switched from being in the office to be in front of their laptop screens, the HR department to needs to adapt to it alike. An Intranet is a good choice to opt for.

Human Resource: The Unsung Hero ~ HR Intranet as the Saviour

HR Intranet

HR – one of the most essential yet underrated departments in every organization. The department that maintains the internal work environment as well as brings in the best talent from various sources to enhance it! The department that keeps up with all the small and big intra-organizational responsibilities, such as employee wellness, payroll management, grievance redressal, employee engagement, workplace-policy enforcement, day to day operational management and of course, recruitment and onboarding in order to deliver the best workplace experience to each and every employee in an organization.

What poses the greater challenge is the popular belief that an HR cannot function properly unless they are directly in contact with all the employees but the present scenario keeps all the possibilities of such real-life encounters at bay and the HR department too needs to find a digital way out to keep up their usual productivity and more during these conditions as well. Here’s where an Intranet can truly proclaim itself to be a Savior.

How an HR Intranet can Benefit your HR department

Building a sense of trust and security within the organization isn’t a task as easy as it seems. Instilling belongingness and loyalty in every employees’ mind is quite a tricky task and requires crucially extra efforts when it needs to be done remotely without having the scope for organizational intermingling for months. Here’s when harnessing the collaborative powers of an intranet comes to the rescue.

As the HR department is expected to be involved with a huge amount of data and information that needs to organized as well as be passed on to the concerned employee, department or the organization as a whole, utilizing a well-designed modern SharePoint intranet can do wonders for them.

Get to know how your HR Department can benefit from an HR Intranet

1. Information Management

The HRs can use the intranet as the one-stop-solution to all the information that might be required to be stored, searched or circulated. A number of widgets such as Announcements, Birthdays, Work Anniversaries, Leave stats, Team information, Employee Directory, Organization Chart can be put to work to keep everyone updated and acknowledged alike. Quick navigation and search features of the intranet will ensure easy access to those information which otherwise would have consumed a huge amount of time, if provided on demand-basis, thus saving the precious time of both the employees and the HRs.

2. Suggestion Corner

An HR department that aligns well with the needs and expectations of the employees it the one considered to be a successful one. An HR should regularly gather feedback and suggestions from the employees on various organizational issues be it as simple as a celebration plan, an online get together, the menu preference at the office party, etc. or as formal as the preferred employee benefits policy, leave policies, travel policies etc.

An intranet can be used to gather such feedbacks across the organization with just a few clicks with a number of interactive features like forms and polls. This will not only let the HR department take up the decisions accepted and supported by the majority of the workforce but also help them make the employees enjoy a sense of ownership over the organizational decisions.

3. Community and Network Management

Be it your personal life or professional, relationships play a crucial role in our survival and success be it the relationship between a manager and an employee, between two colleagues, between board members, with investors, clients and so on. An intranet provides a great platform to nurture these relationships with better and enhanced communication.

Human Resource is the sole in charge of enhancing the organizational community, workplace culture and formal as well as informal employee networking.

An intranet can be used to maintain a proper record of birthdays, work anniversaries, event calendars, personal feats of employees, and much more. Posting event announcements, fun office jokes and jargon, event photos and videos, or organizing fun polls on the intranet can be a great help in keeping the employees engages and building up their rapport with each other.

4. Performance Management

Intranet readily can act as a quite effective as well as transparent platform for performance management.

This particular personalized section can be added to the dashboard of each employee to include documents such as JD, KRAs, etc. that can be backed up with business apps and utilities such as Idea BoardKanban AppProject TrackerTimesheets etc.

This section can be accessible to the employee and their reporting manager to allow them to continuously evaluate and review the performance of the employee, leading to better productivity. Appraisals can take place on the same platform as well.

5. Recruitment

An HR intranet can be a great resource to the recruiters. It can easily be used to facilitate the internal recruitment, departmental switches and referral system by making the external as well as internal vacancies known to all on the hr intranet dashboard, thus making the recruitment process quick and transparent. Employee directory embedded in the intranet itself can establish a clear departmental clarity and connectivity among the employees.

Additionally, dedicated intranet sections within the HR intranet portal can be created for each recruitment drive to connect all the interview panelists to ease the process of centralized discussions and shortlisting.

6. Training and Feedback

The pre-joining courses that the interns and trainees might need to go through before joining or in their very initial days before starting their work under someone’s mentorship can be managed and the performance evaluation can be done on the intranet by the recruiters. It can be a very convenient platform to track and monitor their learning speed and course completion accompanied by frequent feedback from the new joinee as well.

7. Onboarding and Offboarding

The onboarding process becomes extensively easy if the HR chooses to introduce the new employees to the organization with a catchy and innovative widget on the intranet, be it a flashcard, a textual welcome, an introduction video, and so on. All the company policies can be stored in a dedicated HR portal in the intranet that can be shared with the new employees on joining and can be ever accessible to every employee while keeping the accessibility permissions intact for each job profile.

Offboarding, though underrated, is a very important step to maintain a healthy relationship with the ex-employees and should be carried out with utmost care so that those bidding adieu to the organization take only the positives to their next company. Along with the usual farewell, a virtual farewell on the company intranet portal can be a great idea to make their last moments in the organization absolutely awesome.

Conclusion: HR intranet ~ Productive Human Resource Department

An appropriately chosen SharePoint intranet can enhance the performance of the Human Resource department exponentially. We have covered quite a number of utilities an Intranet can provide to HRs but being an ever-evolving idea, it can indeed provide much more. Meanwhile, How does your HR utilize the SharePoint Intranet? Let us know in the comments below.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How migrate Microsoft Teams from one Tenant to another?


Microsoft Teams Migration from One Tenant to Another: Manual Vs Saketa Migrator 

Planning an MS Teams migration from one tenant to another? Let us help you out with few alternate processes to tackle all your migration worries.  

Microsoft Teams: The Digital Workplace Protagonist: Microsoft Teams loaded with an array of advanced communication and collaboration features have become the centerpiece to the vast Microsoft 365 user experience. It’s easy to use and seamlessly integrable featuregive it an edge over its competitors. With the importance of MS Teams growing day by day, it has become a common business demand to migrate to Microsoft Teams from all other tenant platforms to achieve a great workflow.  

Saketa SharePoint Migrator has always been a migrating organization’s best friend but what we look forward to currently is our new and powerful Microsoft Teams Migration Tool that makes your MS Teams migration experience effortlessly simple. 


Challenges of Microsoft Teams Migration 

Teams migration is quite complicated as compared to the SharePoint migration as unlike SharePoint, all the Teams data are not sorted Team-wise at particular places. Instead, they are sorted according to the type of content. So, manual migration will involve picking up each of those from different locations and assigning them to the designated Teams – A task that sounds difficult and is even more difficult when we try to execute it.  

For migrating Microsoft Teams from one tenant to another, it will be almost impossible to execute the task manually as it might include gathering data from the following sources: 

  • SharePoint team site 
  • Exchange team mailbox 
  • Exchange mailboxes of individual users 
  • OneDrive for Business of individual user 
  • OneDrive organizational document library 
  • Azure (using Blob storage) 
  • Stream 
  • Third-party storage provider 

Manual Teams Migration From one Tenant to another 

Manually migrating Teams from one Tenant to another involves a humongous amount of IT efforts and time. The lack of public APIs from Microsoft makes the automation of Teams migration almost unachievable. While there is no easy way for migrating Microsoft Teams from one office 365 tenant to another, we can devise a plan that involves systematically migrating each of the Teams components to the new Tenant and then reintegrating them into their cloned Teams.  

Teams elements to be migrated and reintegrated 

The contents of a Team aren’t sorted Team-wise in the tenant storage. Instead, they are sorted by the type of content. While this keeps the data organization excellent while maintaining Microsoft Teams, it turns out to be the worst part too when we decide to migrate them. 

Here’s a list of their element locations: 

  • SharePoint Team site 

Sharepoint Teams sites store all the files and folders stored in the team document library or shared in channels. It also includes Teams external emails, its wiki page, and OneNote assets of Teams channels. 

  • Exchange Team mailbox 

This location comprises of the Teams contacts, mails, group chat, and channel chat conversation history. 

  • Exchange mailboxes of individual users 

Each of the individual mailboxes will contain the private one to one chats with that particular user along with conversation history and voicemails. It also comprises of the calendar meeting details. 

  • OneDrive for Business of individual users 

Each user’s one drive account is connected to Teams and all the attachments exchanged in private chats, meeting chats, or call message windows are uploaded and stored in the respective user’s OneDrive account. 

  • OneDrive organizational document library 

Users’ personal OneNote files along with all the details are stored here. 

  • Microsoft Azure 

Images and all other types of media except GIFs that have been shared in chats are stored in the Azure account. 

  • Microsoft Stream 

All the Meeting recordings are stored in Microsoft Teams for any future reference. 

  • Third-party storage provider 

If your organization allows third-party storage provider, either through Teams tabs or other partner apps, thinformation related to them are stored directly in the systems of those 3rd party used by the partner. 

 Steps to Manual Teams Migration 

  1. Replicating the Teams to be migrated by recreating them at the destination 
  2. Add the required users and permissions to each Team manually 
  3. Download the contents of each Team from source 
  4. Update the content of each Team at the destination with the ones downloaded from the source 
  5. Export each mailbox from the source and import them at the destination 

Steps to Migrate Microsoft Teams with Saketa Teams Migrator 

MS Teams migration is the need of the hour but the excessively lengthy and complicated approach required for executing it manually makes it nothing less than a nightmare. Instead of using so much of the time of the IT team executing the migration as well as that of the end-users whose communication might suffer significantly until the process is done, why not go for a simpler, quicker and more efficient automated way. Using a 3rd party Teams migration tool is a great idea to simplify the migration process while bringing in a significant reduction in downtime.